The current year numbering system, using the terms Before
Christ (B.C.), and Anno Domini (A.D.), which is Latin for in the year of our Lord, was developed over 1500 years ago and
gradually gained worldwide acceptance, only being accepted by Asian countries
around 1900 A.D.
It was the ever growing need to have a standardized calendar
for documenting trade agreements, treaties and contracts between countries
around the globe that caused non-Christian countries to reluctantly conform to
the system that was already commonly used and well established in the west.
In recent years, there has been a secular push to try and
change the familiar “A.D.” and “B.C.” to “C.E.” (Common Era) and “B.C.E.”
(Before Common Era) respectively in order to remove A.D. from the standard
since it means “in the year of our Lord.”
Maidservant Huldah