When we look upon the world around us, it
seems hard to imagine that we will ever see our country return to what
it once was. Christians instinctively, and through signs mapped out in
the Bible, know that the time of the Great Tribulation is fast
approaching. Recently someone asked me, "If we know that the tribulation
is coming, then why try to fight it, or stop it, if it is destined to
happen anyway?"
The truth is, God did not set dates as to when
the "end" is going to come, and He never gave us a time limit on
protecting our families, standing firm against evil, and seeking
justice. No where in the Bible does God ever tell us to "give up."
For those of us who have "eyes to see, and ears to hear," we must remain alert at all times until His coming.
5:4-6 But you, brethren, are not in darkness, that the day would
overtake you like a thief; for you are all sons of light and sons of
day. We are not of night nor of darkness; so then let us not sleep as
others do, but let us be alert and sober.
While it is true that
we humans cannot win the spiritual war that rages upon the earth,
nonetheless we are not called away from the battle field until the Lord
returns for us.
Psalm 94:6 & 16
"They slay the widow and the stranger
And murder the orphans.
Who will stand up for me against evildoers?
Who will take his stand for me against those who do wickedness?"
of us have a duty to stand strong, defend the innocent, and protect the
gifts that God has given us, which are family, home, and country.
Pro 28:5 Evil men do not understand justice,
But those who seek the LORD understand all things.
those who "love God and are called according to His purpose" let us
continually bear in mind that God is with us through the battle, and
that no matter what the outcome here on earth, God Himself will be
victorious and we will share in the celebration for eternity.
Pro 21:31 The horse is prepared for the day of battle,
But victory belongs to the LORD.