Wednesday, September 18, 2013

The Testimony of Larry Swartz

This is what I am about.God bless love you
Hear is my Testimony.When I was a non-believer I only cared about my family.I didn't like anybody.The devil had my heart and soul.I thought my life was good.I had a good job,my wife was working.Everything was going well for us.Then one day I was attacked by the devil.I was taking my youngest son to the bowling alley when I got a severe headache.I stopped at my sister's house so that I could call my wife and let her know that I had a bad headache and I didn't think I could drive home.My wife came and got me and my son and took us home.The pain got worse.At that time I decided to go to the hospital.I went to the emergency room and they took me right in.I found out that I had a brain aneurysm.They sent me to the Pittsburgh Hospital.The operation went well but I did not follow the doctor orders.I did what I wanted and got out of bed and fell.The fall left me in a coma.I was also paralyzed on my right side.As time went on they sent me to a Rehabilitation Center to see if they could help me.I could hear and see what was going on around me but I couldn't respond to them.I was so up set inside,I hated them all.Frustration and depression got the best of me.The devil was working in my life again..After a four mouth period I finally begin to respond to them.I swore,fought and did everything that I could to make their job a"living hell." Three months had passed and the Rehabilitation Center called my wife to notify her that my condition was not improving.They recommended that she make arrangements to admit me into a rest home.My wife response was that she wanted to try and take care of me at home.They felt that it wasn't a good idea for me to go home due to the 24-hour care that I would need. But my wife was committed to trying to care for me on her own."Thank GOD for her". My depression continued to worsen.I fought with my wife about any and everything.For years she stood by me and then the devil started to attack her.But I didn't care.I was only concerned with myself.One day I turned on the television and there was a preacher talking about people being deceived by the devil[Galatians 6;7] something got my attention,so I listen to what he was saying and it made me feel like there was more to life than the way I was living.At that point I knew something different was going on in me.I know now that IT WAS GOD! As years passed on the devil attacked me again with Prostate Cancer.But this time he did not take control because I trusted in the LORD with all my heart[ Proverbs 3;5-6][Psalm46;1].I have been cancer free for eight year Praise the LORD for He is good! I am still in a wheelchair and I depend on my wife for some things but I know that the LORD will take care of us[Isaiah 40;31] [Mathew 11;28] [Romans 8;31] I know that there are people in the world that are worse off then I am but if you would just trust in the LORD,obey His Commandments, believe in him.He'll take care of everything.I know this because I've lived it.He did it for me and He'll do the same for you.Just give Him a chance."May GOD bless you